Do Your Gums Bleed When Flossing?

bleeding gums

Bleeding gums may indicate that you need to floss more, not less!

Are your gums bleeding after flossing? If your gums bleed when flossing you may need to adjust your dental routine. It might indicate that you need to floss more often. Bleeding gums are a common occurrence when you first start flossing regularly. Although bleeding gums are not a significant short term problem, there are a few things about your gum health that you should keep in mind. While bleeding gums may seem startling, it’s important that you continue flossing daily regardless.

Causes for Bleeding Gums

Bleeding gums can be an early sign of gingivitis, the early stages of gum disease. Plaque buildup along the gumline and between the teeth can contribute to bleeding gums. Plaque is the layer of bacteria that forms on your teeth, and it will turn into calculus if is not removed. Calculus is harder to remove without that assistance of a dentist. That’s why it’s important that you continue flossing even when your gums are bleeding.

Flossing Routine

A new flossing technique or routine can cause your gums to bleed. If you’ve recently adjusted your flossing habits then your gums should stop bleeding in about a week. A toothpaste formulated for sensitive teeth can also help reduce bleeding.

Medical Health

Vitamin deficiencies and use of blood thinning medications can also cause your gums to bleed. Talk to your physician if you’ve started a new medication and notice consistent bleeding of the gums.


Pregnant women also experience what is known as “pregnancy gingivitis.” Hormone changes in the body can result in gum inflammation due to increases sensitivity to plaque buildup.

Dental Check-up

Making a visit to the dentist can help determine whether or not your bleeding gums are a symptom of an underlying condition. You should plan to visit your dentist at least once every six months. A professional teeth cleaning will help remove some of the more stubborn plaque and tartar beneath your gums. Maintaining good gum health is key to avoiding dangerous dental conditions like periodontitis that can result in permanent tissue and damage and tooth loss.

Get Your Next Check-up at Annapolis Dental Care

If you want to schedule your next visit, please contact Annapolis Family Dental Care by calling (410) 267-0766 or visit today! We can give you more information, or schedule your appointment. Our diligent knowledge of all dental treatments and extensive experience in all fields of dentistry, ensure Annapolis Dental is best suited to care for your oral health. You can also follow Annapolis Dental Care on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.



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