Do I Need a Night Guard?

night-guardWhile you are sound asleep dreaming of vacations and talking dogs, your body may be sabotaging your pretty smile. Sleep bruxism, or teeth grinding, affects more people than you might think and can do quite a bit of damage if left untreated. Your dentist can help you protect your teeth, but what happens when you don’t realize you’re doing it? You may be in need of a night guard without even knowing it.

The look

If you’re concerned that you may be grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw in your sleep, take an up close look at your pearly whites. Pay particular attention to your front teeth. Take care to notice the flatness. When all of your teeth are the same length, it’s a good indication that you may be grinding them down while you’re fast asleep.

Observe your cheeks. White lines on the inside of you cheeks can be a sign of bruxism. When you grind your teeth, you are likely to bite you cheeks in the process. Check out the tissue to see if there is any indication of biting.

The feel

People who grind their teeth are often afflicted with side affects that are easy to attribute to other things, making it an easy problem to miss. If you notice that your teeth are especially sensitive or you wake up with a headache, it’s time to consider bruxism as the cause. A clicking jaw, facial pain and frequent ear aches are other common issues associated with teeth grinding and jaw clenching.

The problem

At first glance, bruxism may seem harmless, and in some cases it can be fairly non-threatening, but it can also cause major problems. In addition to creating some daily discomforts, grinding your teeth can cause serious damage to your teeth that might require dental surgery. It can also cause similar damage to your jaw which can be incredibly difficult to deal with.

The solution

The most common solution to your teeth grinding woes is to contact your dentist. He or she can evaluate any signs of bruxism and fit you for a night guard if need be. They aren’t the prettiest accessory, but they are the most effective. If the causes are psychological, meeting with a therapist can also be helpful.

If you want to learn more about Night Guards and Teeth Grinding or if you wish to schedule an appointment, please contact Annapolis Family Dental Care by calling (410) 267-0766 or visit today! Our knowledge of all dental treatments and extensive experience in all fields of dentistry, ensure Annapolis Dental is best suited to care for your oral health. You can also follow Annapolis Dental Care on FacebookTwitter, and Google+.

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