Learn the several ways to maintain your oral health this summer!
Summer is finally here. It’s the perfect time to take a break from daily routines and go on a relaxing vacation. However, summer break doesn’t indicate you must take a break from your oral health. Neglecting your teeth can be dangerous and result in last, permanent effects. Keep reading the several ways to maintain your oral health this summer!
Establish or Stay in a Routine
Now that school is out and everyone is transitioning into summer, it’s easy for all the excitement to keep families from having a consistent schedule. But it’s critical to continue brushing your teeth twice daily and flossing once daily, regardless of how hectic your plan becomes. So, maintain your oral health this summer by keeping a routine of brushing in the morning and evening.
Stay Hydrated
Everybody knows to drink plenty of water during the summertime. Besides quenching your thirst, it can also enhance your oral health this summer. In addition, drinking water keeps your mouth hydrated, preventing bacteria growth that leads to tooth decay and gum disease. Plus, it rids your mouth of sugars and plaque-causing bacteria that trigger bad breath. As a result, your mouth will feel clean and fresh!
Avoid Chewing Ice
For some people, there’s nothing better than eating leftover ice after drinking a cool beverage. And whether it’s simply satisfying or it’s done out of habit, chewing ice can dangerously affect your oral health. Examples include a cracked or chipped tooth, tooth decay, teeth sensitivity, or enamel erosion. If you must satisfy the ice craving, try consuming finely shaven, semi-melted ice pieces to reduce damage to your teeth.
Select Healthy Snacks and Beverages
The warmer months leave more time for snacking, particularly on long road trips when there’s nothing much to do. Also, limit your consumption of sugary treats and drinks and stock up on nutritious to-go foods. Carbonated or sugary drinks break down the enamel on your teeth, leaving them defenseless to bacteria and tooth decay fed by the sugar in drinks. On the contrary, fresh fruits and vegetables will leave your mouth and belly happy.
At Annapolis Dental Care, we want the best for our patients. We aim to serve the community and provide everyone the chance to have a smile they love. Call us at 410-267-0766 to schedule your dental appointment!
Feel Confident About Your Oral Health with Annapolis Dental Care
Whether it’s a regular check-up you need or a tooth extracted, your dentist in Annapolis is here to serve! Annapolis Dental Care has the expertise and compassion to work with you on improving your oral health. Your comfort and health are our top priorities, and so we go above and beyond to make our patients happy and give them the highest quality care. To set up an appointment today, please give us a call at 410-571-5014 or visit us online. For more oral health tips for you and your family, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube! We are always looking for new patients, so if you live in Arnold, Annapolis, Anne Arundel County, MD, come on down!