Top 3 Causes of a Dry Mouth

Top 3 Causes of a Dry Mouth

One of the symptoms associated with nervousness or anxiousness is that ever-present dry mouth. But did you know these are not the only causes of such a condition?

What makes you nervous? Whether it’s a public speaking engagement, a thesis defense, or a long-awaited first date, many different situations can cause us anxiety. One of the symptoms associated with nervousness or anxiousness is that ever-present dry mouth. But did you know these are not the only causes of such a condition?


Depending on what medicine you take, you might not notice your mouth is getting dry. Various medicines and medications can give you this side effect, particularly if you used anti-anxiety and antidepressant medicine. With fall in full swing, cold and flu season is here again. Perhaps you’ve recently switched to a different cold medicine? The new formula could also give you dry mouth.

What solutions do you have? Consider adding some sugar-free gum or breath mints to your daily routine. Just don’t overdo it – you could always end up causing stomach problems if you’re not careful. Also remember that your dry mouth could be the reason you’re suffering from bad breath, too.

Certain Habits

Certain habits, such as smoking, can also cause you to develop a dry mouth. We’ve previously discussed the effects of smoking on your oral and dental health, from bad breath to tooth decay. All in all, it’s best to avoid using any form of tobacco and to limit your consumption of alcoholic beverages.

You’re Dehydrated

Dehydration is a major problem for your overall well-being. While you might expect dehydration to occur more frequently during the warmer months of spring and summer, you can become dehydrated any day of the year. If you find that your mouth is too dry, or you are always thirsty or have an intense need for salt, these are all signs that you are dehydrated.

Although a dry mouth may seem insignificant at first, more severe problems may soon follow, and make you feel sick, dizzy, and sleepy all at once, especially when compounded with dehydration. You might experience fevers, sweating, and nausea, all of which are highly unpleasant. So be sure that you’re getting enough water during your day, no matter how busy you are or how warm or cold it is outside.


Whether you need a tooth extraction or just want to get a dental health check-up, Annapolis Dental Center has the expertise and compassion to work with you to improve your oral health and get you smiling again. We value your comfort and dental health, so we go above and beyond to make our patients happy with the services that they receive. To set up your appointment today, give us a call at (410) 571-5014 or visit us online. For more oral health tips for you and the whole family, visit us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and check us out on Yelp!

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