Ice cream, coffee, tea, and soda can be enough to send you into fits of pain and even tears if you are like the other millions of adults who suffer from sensitive teeth. It is estimated that one in eight… Read More
Diseases, Disorders, and Your Oral Health
Just like your teeth can affect your overall health, your overall health and wellness can affect the health of your mouth. But do you know what illnesses can affect the mouth? Let’s take a look at a few.
Cavities: Signs, Causes, and Prevention
Cavities are actually holes or structural damage to the two outer layers of a tooth. These layers are called enamel and dentin. Both of these layers of your teeth help protect the soft living tissue underneath called the pulp. As… Read More
Tooth Loss and Preventative Measures
In a world where we judge ourselves as other people see us, people become very self-conscious about the way their appearances. People care about their appearances but seem to skip and important one. What about their teeth?
Dental Care: Traditional Flossing Vs. WaterPik
The WaterPik advertises itself as a complete replacement for flossing, going as far as saying that it is superior to traditional flossing in both comfort and effectiveness. Although the product does perform well in certain key areas, it does not… Read More
Wisdom about Wisdom Teeth and Their Extraction
There are some lucky people in the world that won’t have to experience yet another round of teething, but for the unlucky ones, wisdom teeth can bring nothing but pain. So what happens when you can’t take the pain anymore… Read More
The Ins and Outs of Tooth Extractions
If you have ever been to a dentist, you know the fear of hearing words like cavity, gum disease, or root canal. In the world of dentistry, there are two words that are only used when absolutely necessary: tooth extraction…. Read More
Teeth Whitening FAQ’s to Help you Decide
Your smile can be your greatest asset if you let it. The problem is that many people are very self conscious about their smiles. When you smile with confidence, it makes an impression on people. Teeth whitening can be a… Read More
Tongue Cleaning: Terrific Tips for a Tidier Tongue
You’ve got a solid dental routine. Twice a day you floss and brush your teeth for a very thorough two minutes. Your teeth and gums are the picture of health, but what about your tongue? If you don’t regularly clean… Read More
Oral Surgery Prep to Help you Recover Quickly
Oral surgery is typically an outpatient procedure, and while it isn’t typically as frightening as heading off into the operating room at a hospital, surgery of any kind is never simple. The number one way to prepare for your oral… Read More