Cold and flu season is bad enough, so don’t compound it with gum disease.
Gum disease can affect your dental and oral health. That’s a given. But one thing you probably didn’t know is that it can also affect your overall sense of well-being. Cold and flu season is bad enough, so don’t compound it with gum disease.
Potential Health Conditions
Gum disease is nothing to take lightly. At the same time, it can contribute to other health conditions getting worse. For one thing, it can make it more likely for you to develop diabetes. You’ll also be at higher risk for complications during pregnancy (a major concern for expectant mothers), the possibility of a stroke, and even cancer.
The Connection
Scientific studies have shown a connection between gum disease and its impact on your body. However, the problem is that there needs to be more research done, as the cause of this link is still unclear. Although several theories attempt to explain the connection, it’s entirely possible that this isn’t a situation where only one theory is the right one.
Eating Problems
Your teeth help you chew your food, but if you are suffering from gum disease, your teeth won’t be as effective. You’ll be in a great deal of pain as well. Besides the pain, you’ll have a hard time eating, which will make proper digestion a challenge. You won’t be nourished and start to feel weak and tired, which is as unpleasant as it sounds. Another problem associated with diseased gums is that you will want to stop eating to avoid the pain, which is not the way to go.
How to Prevent It
There are some reliable ways to prevent gum disease. You might not be able to reverse it, but by improving your oral hygiene routine and consistent visits to your dentists, you can keep it from getting worse. Brush your teeth and floss, and use the mouthwash of your choice every day. This can kill many of the harmful germs that cause plaque, tartar, bad breath, and bleeding gums. Seeing your dentist can also help you prevent gum disease. This is because your dentist can see the parts of your mouth that you won’t be able to see yourself, such as the backs of your teeth.
Whether it’s a regular check-up you need or a tooth extracted, Annapolis Dental Care has the expertise and compassion to work with you on improving your oral health. Your comfort and health are our top priorities, and so we go above and beyond to make our patients happy and give them the highest quality care. To set up an appointment today, please give us a call at 410-571-5014 or visit us online. For more oral health tips for you and your family follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and YouTube! We are always looking for new patients, so if you live in Arnold, Annapolis, or Anne Arundel County, MD, come on down!