Annapolis Root Canal Information

Root canal. Those two words have been frightening people for years. Most associate the words “root canal” with a painful, difficult procedure. Some people feel more comfortable knowing exactly what they’re getting into before actually receiving the treatment. Since in most cases root canals cannot be avoided, we’d like to explain to you exactly what a root canal is and how it’s performed so if you ever have to get a root canal, you know exactly what to expect from your root canal dentist.

Let’s start out with some reasons that root canals have to be performed:

  • Tooth decay erodes at the tooth and gets inside, essentially hurting the root (or nerve) of the tooth.
  • Your tooth has become infected from decay. This is known as an abscess.
  • Trauma or tooth death has occurred. This can be very painful and should be addressed immediately. Tooth trauma is a dental emergency that shouldn’t be ignored.

What to expect during your root canal:

  • First off, your tooth and the surrounding area will be numbed. If you have a serious fear of this kind of dental treatment, we also offer dental sedation.
  • Your tooth will then be closed off from other teeth and saliva by using a rubber dam (make sure to specify if you’re allergic to latex before your dentist does this). The rubber dam will help keep your tooth dry and isolated during the procedure so your Annapolis family dentist can safely use chemical solutions to disinfect your tooth.
  • The next section is generally the one people dread the most. Your dentist will drill a hole into the root canal and take out the nerve and attempt to clean out any infectious problems. Your dentist will use files and other instruments to make sure he or she gets ALL of the root to avoid any pain or problems in the future.
  • Finally, your dentist will seal the inside of your tooth and clean any remaining decay off. You will probably need a crown or a permanent filling to avoid cracking of the tooth in the future, since much of the blood flow and nerve endings will be cut off from your tooth during the procedure.

Do not be afraid to ask for dental sedation. After all, we cater to cowards. Recovery is important. If your dentist prescribes you any kind of antibiotic, make sure to take it from start to finish. You may also be prescribed pain medication since your tooth will likely be sore after the procedure. Make sure that you are very careful with the tooth for a little bit after. Avoid eating anything too hard, hot, or cold.

If you have any questions about our blog, Annapolis Root Canal Specialist, or if you wish to schedule an appointment, please contact Annapolis Family Dental Care by calling (410) 267-0766 or visit today! Our diligent knowledge of all dental treatments and extensive experience in all fields of dentistry, ensure Annapolis Dental is best suited to care for your oral health. You can also follow Annapolis Dental Care on FacebookTwitter, and Google+.

Source: What is a Root Canal? 

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